Competitiveness of European economy requires citizens and particularly young people to be innovative, creative, flexible and courageous to face challenges in a dynamic and volatile economy.
Young people need to become ‘entrepreneurs’: they should be able to turn ideas into action, successfully develop new commercial and social ventures and be innovator in the organizations where they work.
The entrepreneurial mind-set is not a personal characteristic and it can be developed through learning and experience within the education system. The European Union has set as a strategic objective to enhance creativity and innovation, including entrepreneurship at all levels of education and training (Education and Training 2020).
EnterMode aims to stimulate entrepreneurial skills of higher education teaching staff and company staff and develop the entrepreneurial mind-set and related skills of higher education students. Its main objectives are:
- Raising awareness on the importance of internships for higher education students in general and for building entrepreneurial skills
- Developing HEIs–companies partnerships for the promotion of entrepreneurial education of higher education students
- Capacity building of higher education teaching staff and companies’ trainers, to organise entrepreneurial teaching and learning
- Developing entrepreneurial mind-set, skills and competences of higher education students, during their internships
- Developing an integrated model of entrepreneurship skills acquisition that includes different levels of learning, using online serious game
- Building a community of practice that allows for developing common practice and integrating newcomers into existing business communities
- Developing learning analytics to enable the tracking of learning progress and adapt the EnterMode program to personal and organisational needs.
Target groups
- Higher education faculties/departments that offer non-business studies and horizontal services of Universities, such as career offices or international relations offices that are involved in students’ internships and in partnerships with companies
- HEIs teaching staff and staff working in liaison offices, career offices, internship departments and international relations offices
- HE students enrolled in HE study programmes of non-business and economics sectors
- Companies, mainly SMEs, offering or having the potential to offer internship places for students in different sectors
- Companies’ trainers involved in internship programmes