EnterMode online full partners meeting in September 2020

Covid-19 is confronting all project partners, HEIs and companies, with a situation so far unknown by the present generations. Yet, as in most critical situations, this time brings in both challenges and opportunities. The recent months have been marked by difficulties and distress, but also by creativity and resilience, which have helped us to adapt to a new setting. The EnterMode partnership has adopted specific measures to overcome difficulties and move forward.

During the third online meeting, organised on 14 September 2020, the partnership decided to replace the Training Workshop originally planned for April 2020 in Ioannina, with 4 online workshops in the form of webinars. The online workshops are constructed in three days-modules, each day addressed to one of the groups of main contributors to the implementation of internship programmes.

The academic years will mostly start online and HEIs have huge difficulties to arrange internships. This has therefore made the decision to introduce the option of virtual internships inevitable. Because of this development, the contact with and selection of both students and companies will be more demanding, and this is one of the reasons leading the consortium to ask for a project prolongation of at least 5 months.

Despite all the unplanned extensions and changes determining an obvious disruption in all participating institutions’ plans, we are confident that the EnterMode project will achieve its goals and will carry out the pilot experimentation of internships, even if only in a virtual space.

Keep following EnterMode!