Workshop for HE teachers and companies’ trainers at Ludwig-Maximilians Universität (LMU)
A training workshop for Higher Education (HE) teachers and companies’ trainers was organised by the Ludwig-Maximilians Universität (LMU) on 12-14 June in Munich (DE). The aim of the activity was to give the participants an insight about entrepreneurial training in different European countries and share experiences about the way different universities organise and monitor internships at national and international level, based on the findings of the Background Study on “Entrepreneurial education in HE in partners’ countries, entrepreneurial skills required by HE students, framework for internships”.
Further to allowing the presentation and discussion of the Background Study results, the workshop represented the opportunity to agree upon and start designing the main elements of the EnterMode internship model for acquisition of entrepreneurial skills by higher education students.
The activity lasted three days and, in order to give participants an impression of how entrepreneurship education works in practice, it included a visit to the Entrepreneurship Centre of LMU.