How to make Enter.Mode project sustainable?
The following criteria were agreed to ensure the project sustainability:
- The outputs/activities are maintained after the end of the funding:
- The main project outputs (Internship Model, Trainers’ Guide, Serious Game, Community of Practice, etc.) continue to be used by the project partners when organizing internships in the future (remote or physically), since it is a very effective way of mentoring and guiding interns throughout the whole process.
- Activities associated with the Outputs are maintained and further developed, e.g.:
- people will still be able to join and be active in the Community of Practice on DISCUSS
- HEI-companies’ partnerships are renewed and sustained
- partners and new stakeholders can develop and share new resources
- through the Community of Practice participants will continue to share best practice, discuss topics of mutual interest, use and improve their professional practice
- Activities/outputs will continue to be disseminated, i.e., the users of the Community of Practice platform are able to network and discuss issues, beyond the initial consortium and beyond the initial project outputs.
- Intensity and enlargement of the cooperation between partners:
- The transnational partnership and its good working relationships are maintained, i.e., partners take care of the follow-up between themselves, including through the development of associated projects; and by continuing to exchange good practices.
- The local network is maintained, i.e., the partners meet regularly with the organisations involved in the project.
The EnterMode partner universities will promote the application of the Internship Model within their University at large scale. The adoption of the internship model as a new scheme for the organisation of internships does not require additional financial and human resources. All Universities have structures that provide services linking students with companies, arranging internships and transnational motilities. The internship model developed will be integrated in the universities’ programmes and in the services that the career offices, internship offices, international relations offices are already offering to students at no additional cost. Students will be offered the opportunity to participate in calls for applications to access internships according to the EnterMode model. Partner companies will integrate the model and apply its pillars to their internal business internship methodology. The Mentors’ guide will be used as training material for new HEIs teachers and companies’ trainers that will adopt the internship model at a later stage. Similarly, the information package for companies will be used to recruit more companies in the future to join the HEIs-companies network and form partnerships. The use of the serious game will be widely promoted among students participating in the internship programmes or integrated in the regular teaching programmes. Information on the game will be made available to potential students also during the universities’ “open days” and within other public events or provided on the partners’ websites and promoted through social media.